Phone: (865) 558-3117    Toll Free: (800) 782-9257

You register for mobile banking, once you've logged into CU@HOME. Remember, you may be charged access rates or text messaging fees from your mobile phone carrier depending on your service plan. These fees are independent of any fees imposed by the credit union. Web access is required to use our web-enabled mobile banking service. Check with your mobile service provider for details on specific fees and charges.

To Use Mobile Web-Enabled Service*:

  • Send a text message with the keyword web to: 44660
  • Receive a reply containing a link to the bank site (good for 20 minutes)
  • Link to the URL and when prompted, enter your Mobile PIN
  • Click Submit

To Use Mobile Text Message Service*:

  • Send text with the one of the requests listed below to: 44660
  • Message frequency is dependent upon individual user settings.

Text Messaging Requests:

"h web Receive a secure link to the Mobile Web site via text message
"h sum Receive summary information for all enabled accounts
"h bal Receive balances for enabled accounts
"h msg Text message directly to designated bank contact
"h sum ck1 Receive summary information for account ck1
"h bal sv2 Receive balance information for account sv2
"h help Receive a text message listing available keywords

Remember, you may use your own mobile friendly names, up to 5 characters, to replace the example account names (IE: ck1, sv2).

Supported Carriers: AT&T Mobility,Verizon,T-Mobile,Sprint,Dobson,Nextel,Boost,Alltel,Virgin Mobile,US Cellular and Cricket.

"What would a typical text message request look like and what can I expect to get in response?"

Balance requests will contain a list of account short names and balances.

Summary information requests will include the account short name and balance, the last deposit date and amount for checking and savings (LD), the maturity date for cd accounts (MD), the next payment date and amount for loan accounts (NP), and the most recent transactions (T1, T2, ...).

To Cancel Mobile Web-Enabled Service (Opt-Out):At any time, you may choose to cancel subscription to this service by - Sending a text message with the keyword stop to 44660.

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