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Regular, GPA and IRA Share Certificates

Share Certificates - Share Certificate earn competitive rates while requiring low minimum deposits.  Certificate terms range from three (3) months to five (5) years.  Dividends are calculated daily and paid monthly.  Dividends can be transferred to another Holston Methodist account or mailed by check monthly to the member.  There is a minimum opening balance of $1000.00. There is a penalty for early withdrawal.

GPA Share Certificates- What a great way to give your students an incentive to study harder and earn a higher yield on their money, based on grades. There is a minimum opening balance of $1000.00.  *APY will equal GPA (Grade Point Average). Student Member must provide copy of most recent report card.  Must not exceed $1,000 per certificate, cannot exceed $5,000 cumulative. QUALIFICATIONS:  Member must have active share draft and Visa Debit card, or a family member with a share draft/direct deposit and Visa Debit to qualify for the GPA rate.

IRA Share Certificates- Certificates terms range from 12 months to 36 months. There is a minimum opening balance of $2000.00. There is a penalty for early withdrawal.

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