Phone: (865) 558-3117    Toll Free: (800) 782-9257



This free, no-frills checking account doesn't offer rewards or refunds but it does offer the same access convenience to your money.

SECURITY PLUS CHECKING: Register & Sign in here

Security Plus Checking is a premium checking account that gives you all the added benefits you want and need in today's financial world while protecting you against fraud, identity theft and life's unexpected events for a low monthly cost of $6.00 per month for members under 60 and $5.00 per month for members over 60. For members ages 24 this monthly fee is waived. With only an initial deposit of only $50, you may begin enjoying the benefits of Security Plus Checking.

  • No Minimum Balance to earn dividends
  • No Fee Gift Cards
  • No Fee Travel Money Cards
  • No Fee Official Checks
  • No Fee for Medallion Signatures
  • Two CAP/NSF refunds per year
  • Two Stop Payment fees waived per year
  • Two Late Payment fees waived per year (excluding Mortgage Loans)
  • 1 Box of personalized checks free per year1
  • Two Skip-A-Pay fees waived per year
Cash Back Member Rewards² (registration/enrollment required)
Start receiving Cash Back Member Rewards today! You can earn 10% cash back on your everyday purchases – such as groceries, household supplies, and entertainment. .  Save receipts and submit quarterly for cash back rewards.  You are eligible to submit receipts totaling up to $100 each quarter for a total cash back of up to $10 each quarter or up to $40 annually.  (registration and activation required)

IDProtect® – Identity Theft Protection Service3

  • 3-in-1 Credit Report (registration/enrollment required)
  • Request a free, updated credit report every 90 days or upon receipt of alert.
  • 3-in-1 Credit File Monitoring (registration/enrollment required)
    IDProtect will monitor your Equifax, Experian and TransUnion credit files daily, and automatically alert you if key changes occur.
  • Fully Managed Identity Theft Resolution Services
    Access to a dedicated fraud specialist assigned to manage your case who will work with you until your credit and identity are restored.Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement Coverage4
    Receive up to $10,000 identity fraud expense reimbursement coverage4 to help pay expenses, clear your name and repair damaged credit, should you become the victim of identity fraud.
  • And more…

Health Savings Discounts (registration/enrollment required)
Enjoy savings on vision, prescriptions and dental services. This is NOT insurance.

Travel and Leisure Discount Membership (registration/enrollment required)
Money-saving discounts from thousands of local and national businesses. Members can redeem and print coupons online or access discounts from their smartphone. Digital Access makes saving super easy and convenient, giving instant savings anywhere, and anytime.

Registration and enrollment is free and easy:
Go to and follow the simple step-by-step instructions to register and activate benefits, or call 1-800.782.9257 with questions related to any of the benefits and services, or for assistance with registration and activation.

  1. Specific Design.
  2. Terms and conditions apply.
  3. IDProtect service is a personal identity theft protection service available to account owner(s) and their family.  Family includes: Spouse, persons qualifying as domestic partner, and children under 25 years of age and parent(s) who are residents of the same household.  The service is available to non-publicly traded businesses and their business owner(s) listed on the account and their eligible family members (service not available to employees or authorized signers who are not owners).  For revocable grantor trusts, the service is available only when a grantor is serving as a trustee and covers the grantor trustee(s) and their eligible family members.  For all other fiduciary accounts, the service covers the beneficiary, who must be the primary member, and the beneficiary’s eligible family members (Fiduciary is not covered).  Service is not available to a "signer" on the account who is not an account owner.  Service is not available to clubs, organizations and/or churches and their members, schools and their employees/students. 
  4. Special Insurance Program Notes:  The descriptions herein are summaries only.  They do not include all terms, conditions and exclusions of the policies described.  Please refer to the actual policies for complete details of coverage and exclusions.  Insurance is offered through the company named on the certificate of insurance.  Guide to Benefit provided at time of account opening.
Insurance products are not insured by NCUA or any Federal Government Agency; not a deposit of or guaranteed by the Credit Union or any affiliated entity.


This account is designed for members seeking to rebuild their checking credibility.  You'll enjoy many of the same benefits with our Second Chance Checking of regular checking accounts, PLUS with six (6) months of positive account activity you can upgrade to one of our other checking options.

Must have six (6) months positive activity to qualify for No Frills Checking or Security Plus Checking. Two (2) occurrences of NSF (Insufficient Funds) activity within the six (6) months "probation" and the account is subject to closure. Does NOT qualify for CAP (Courtesy Account Program). If no NSF's during the six (6) month probation period, the $10.00 monthly fee will be refunded for each month. 

There is a minimum to open the Share Draft Checking accounts of $50.00. 


  • Basic Business- No Minimum Balance, No Per Item Fees. Monthly Fee $5.00
  • Small Business- Min Balance to earn dividends $1,000.00. Monthly Fee $10.00
  • Classic Business- Min Balance to earn dividends $5,000.00. Monthly Fee $25.00
  • Free Business- Min Balance required $25,000.00. No monthly fee, No Per Item Fees, Preferred Rates on Share Certificates & Business Loans.
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