Phone: (865) 558-3117    Toll Free: (800) 782-9257

Personal Visa Credit Card

Accepted by millions of merchants worldwide, Holston Methodist FCU's Visa Credit Card offers an unbeatable combination of convenience, savings and security. You can earn great rewards, freed of charge, just by using your card. Reward yourself with money you already spend.

Holston Methodist FCU's Business Visa is available to Churches, Colleges, and Agencies of Holston Conference.  In addition, this card is available to any business affiliated with Holston Methodist FCU.   Visa Business Cards earn 2 points for every dollar spent.

Members earn Bonus Points for every qualifying net dollar spent! Turn your purchases into amazing Merchandise, Travel or Experience rewards. Scorecard Rewards offers top name brand items, unbelievable vacation getaways, valuable services to once in a lifetime experiences.  

Go ahead and reward yourself with money you already spend!  For example, points may be redeemed for airfare or hotel accommodations for continuing education, mission trips, etc.

Contact us for additional information.

Lost/Stolen VISA credit card: 1-800-322-3678
International Lost/Stolen (collect): 1-727-570-4881 and/or 727-227-2447

VISA credit card customer service/Balance info: 1-800-808-7230

Lost/Stolen VISA debit card: 1-866-546-8273
International Lost/Stolen VISA debit (collect): 1-206-352-4950

24-hr Audio Teller: 1-888-703-8385

To change VISA debit card PIN #: 1-844-896-1205

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