Phone: (865) 558-3117    Toll Free: (800) 782-9257

Holston Methodist FCU was established in 1956 and is dedicated to serving the financial needs of the United Methodist community within Holston Conference. Various products and services are offered in order for churches to “Save more, so they can give more!”

Business Checking:

  • Basic Business- No Minimum Balance, No Per Item Fees. Monthly Fee $5.00
  • Small Business- Min Balance to earn dividends $1,000.00. Monthly Fee $10.00
  • Classic Business- Min Balance to earn dividends $5,000.00. Monthly Fee $25.00
  • Free Business- Min Balance required $25,000.00. No monthly fee, No Per Item Fees, Preferred Rates on Share Certificates & Business Loans.

Church Visa Credit Cards-These cards are offered with no Annual Fee and 2 points are earned for every $1 spent. Various churches utilize the accumulated points to save on Airfares & Hotel expenses for Education, Training and Mission Trips. In addition, churches have transferred points to another church for Mission Trips.

Deposit Locations: Convenience is the number one reason consumers chose their financial institution. Deposits are accepted through Direct Deposits and/or BB&T Bank locations. HMFCU offers over 70,000 locations nationwide to obtain cash surcharge free.

Loans: The credit union offers a variety of low-cost church loans. If your church is beginning a building or remodeling project, or is just in need of a small loan for a vehicle or parsonage repairs, we can help you determine which loan product best suits your needs.

Offerings: Giving made can be done electronically at no cost.

Online Account Access: via CU@HOME on our website and/or our Mobile App.

Staff Payroll: Direct Deposit is offered to churches at no cost. Funds can be deposited to any financial institution nationwide. Various smaller churches, allow funds to be automatically deducted for their pastor’s payroll, from their current financial institution.

Share Savings Account: Are you looking for earning and flexibility, our church share savings account is a great place to deposit your funds. This account allows you the freedom to make deposits and withdraws at any time, without paying a penalty.

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