
We all lead busy lives and have hectic schedules. Sometimes there's simply not enough hours in a day to make all our appointed rounds! That's why Cedars-Sinai Federal Credit Union offers the convenience and flexibility of 24-hour e-Banking to our members.laptop

From within our safe and secure e-Banking section, members are able to:

  • View your account balances
  • View and print your account history
  • Apply for a loan
  • Request a credit union check
  • Transfer funds from your Share Savings account to your Holiday or Vacation Club account
  • Transfer funds from your Share Savings account to your loan
  • Automated Clearing House (ACH or Bill Pay Set Up Instructions)
  • Our e-Banking is easy, secure and just can't get more affordable… there's no fee. If you haven't done so already, enroll for our e-Banking today!!!