I request Elite CCU send my periodic account statements and disclosures electronically for retrieval by me from within my Elite CCU home banking session. I further request that Elite CCU discontinue sending me statements via mail service. I understand that current statement information will be available by the 5th day of each month. I may occasionally receive messages from the credit union. I have read and agreed to the Elite CCU Home Banking Disclosure/Terms.
I am authorizing the credit union to electronically provide any and all documentation related to the various products and services that I may request. I can withdraw my consent for any services at any time, either by contacting the credit union electronically or in writing.
In addition to receiving my statements electronically, I may receive a paper statement by contacting one of the credit union offices. The fee per paper statement is consistent with the fee disclosure in the Disclosure Rate Supplement, which is available at any credit union office location.
I understand that the software and hardware necessary to view and print an electronic statement are listed below.
Minimum Requirements For Viewing and Saving E-Statements